University of York
Rhodar was appointed directly by the University of York in October 2021 to deliver a comprehensive range of Passive Fire Protection maintenance upgrades to various buildings throughout the University campus.
This important programme was implemented across five ‘live’ buildings, including the University’s fully operational Biology block and incorporated both the enhancement and reinstatement of fire compartmentation seals within each block, following a rolling fire risk assessment programme.
Rhodar appointed an experienced site team to carry out the works, which included a dedicated Contract Manager, one Site Supervisor and two Site Operatives, all who lived within a 20-mile radius of the University. Our site team worked Monday to Friday, 9-5, as weekend working was not permitted.
The works were carried out whilst the buildings remained live and occupied, therefore, establishing a good working relationship and clear communication channels with the University and building manager was important to minimise disruption as far as possible to students and university staff.
Due to the building remaining live throughout the works, Rhodar clearly segregated our walkways and transit routes. Diversions were put in place for the building users with clear and appropriate signage displayed to ensure our working areas were never breached.
Working hand in hand with the University’s Estates Management Team, we also delivered a series of Passive Fire Protection (PFP) Seminar Workshops to circa 200 staff, covering the fundamentals of PFP, the materials and systems used, along with guidance on best practice PFP delivery.

Asbestos Removal
Over the years we’ve developed our infrastructure to support all sizes of projects in a wide range of sectors; from small but vital projects to multi-million pound contracts in challenging environments. We are equipped to manage […]
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Rhodar’s specialist Demolition Division has a proven track record, gained over 40 years. We work within a range of industries, from pharmaceutical, petrochemical and nuclear, to education, health and commercial, including grade I and II listed […]
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We provide exceptional remediation, enabling and civil engineering solutions that transform brownfield sites. From initial appraisal through to construction, our ability to deliver trusted technical advice and turnkey contracting solutions is proven to deliver success.
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Passive Fire Protection
Passive Fire Protection, also known as Built Fire Protection, plays a significant role in safeguarding people occupying properties, as well as limiting fire and smoke damage to buildings and contents. Rhodar can provide a comprehensive Passive […]
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Asbestos Specialists for the Housing Sector
Homeworks is the specialist housing division of Rhodar, one of UK’s leading asbestos removal & enabling services companies. Established to meet the unique requirements of domestic asbestos management, Homeworks predominantly works with insurance companies, housing associations and […]
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Principal Contractor
Rhodar often acts in the role of Principal Contractor (PC) with overall control over a project involving our core asbestos, demolition, remediation disciplines and other sub-contractor trades. Appointed by the client (in line with CDM 2015) […]
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